Thursday, November 6, 2014

no post tomorrow due to the night walkafternoon, our instructorsh

Guiding Eyes   Day 12  Thurs   6th

Have you heard the expression 'keep on keeping on?' Pippi took that statement seriously this morning. Today began student poop patrol. We were given the lecture on correctly picking up poop last night. We were told to always at least 2 poop bags, just in case. Yesterday's rain left a rather prominent puddle directly below my room's Park door. Missy Prissypants, once again, decided her delicate toes couldn't be subjected to water and she refused to go outside. A few requests didn't work. A few leash correction yanks didn't either. When nothing seems to work....pull out the cookies! (What? Cookies work for me too.) I think her inner dialogue might have sounded like this:
Mom: Come on Pipsqueak, let's potty.
Pip: Yeah right, what's this 'us' business? I don't see you squatting out here.
Mom: Get busy. Busy, busy.
Pip: Hrumph, I know what to do to change her attitude.

So she left a pile for me. While I was collecting thatwarmth, she moved about a foot behind me and left another pile. First double-bagger in the class. Yeah, I know, it's a real honor.

Our lesson for the day was shorelining or walking along a street with no sidewalks. The dog keeps you close to the left hand side since walkers go against traffic direction. Not too difficult, unless real cars come along. And did I mention we had cool rainy weather today? My hood kept slipping down past my eyebrows, the visor I wore- to help hold up the hood- turned around to the back of my head, and just to be sure I had poor visibility, my glasses fogged up!

In the afternoon, my instructor called us, with our dogs, to the main hall to learn about booties. Not the human derriere, the shoe kind. She explained that extreme high or low temperatures can have an adverse effect on the paw pads. She handed us each for booties; the top had mesh and parachute material, the soles looked like hiking boot treads. They slipped on- with some convincing and more cookies- and then you tightly cinched a velco strap around their ankle area. All at the same time, we asked the dogs to stand up and walk down the hall with us. Dogs are NOT overly fpnd of shoes. (And it's a good thing with 4 feet; their shoe replacement budget would be sky high! Here were big and small labs cloppinf along, like Clydsdales! I was howling, it looked so funny. It was the only moment I felt badly for those who are totally blind in class. A few dogs were uncoordinated or ticked off thos hunks of rubber were attached. One dog splayed out all 4 legs and went down. Pippi was turning in circles while trying to gnaw the velcro off. Anothe clopped around looking down at his feet. Taking home a set of booties is not mandatory but I think Pip will need them in Hotlanta's brutal aummers. I'm not sure of the color yet, but the booties are either black or grey, She will be too cool.

Had one of those heart-crashing-to-the floor moments today. Instructor and supervisor came to my room and wanted to talk. I won't go through the conversation with you because it was embarrassing, mortifying, humbling, and slightly emotionally painful. Everything was stated kindly, respectfully, and with genuine concern, I believe. But the gist was they were concerned I wasn't being conscientious/discerning enough in several areas (see why I was mortified). Although I really appreciated them taking time to 'bring this to my attention,' my M.O when I get overwhelmed is watery eyes. Me being upset made them upset- well you get the picture. The bottom line is I need to rise to the occasion if I truly want to come home with my little girl. When they left, all of us on good terms, the emotion overcame me and I had a tiny pity party. Sweet Pippi came up to me-I was sitting on the floor- and licked at the tears. I know that seems loving, but let's face it, they lick for the salt. But she did bring the tennis ball over and dropped it in my lap, her signal that she wants to play. Maybe that one was all about me.

Remember, no post tomorrow due to the night walk. I will catch up by Sunday


  1. Just let me know if you need me and Sylvia to come and tell them just how conscientious and discerning you truly are. You're one tough, capable and intelligent gal and I know you can do this. Onward!

  2. Don't be so sure it was just for the salt. Our beloved fur kids can be pretty intuitive - and guide dogs possibly more than most. After all, she brought you the thing that makes her happy - her favorite toy. Decide you're going to do it, give yourself a treat, and carry on.
