Monday, September 15, 2014

The Journey Begins

       I've started this blog  to chronicle my path to guide school and the training with my new companion. And beyond. 

I wrote a long post detailing the ups, the downs, the choices made, and the fortitude to arrive at this point.  I previewed it, but when I hit the back button to the actual post, THE PAGE WAS BLANK!!! When I picked my jaw up off the ground and mumbled a few choice words, I couldn't bear the thought of writing the whole thing again. It was a good post, but my motivation at 10:00 PM is not so good.

So, you're getting the abridged version and I hope it makes sense.

2013- decide between cane and canine. Had to overcome fear of dogs. Am a determined woman (some say stubborn, others bull-headed-semantics) and cleared that hurdle. 
2014- Research, choose guide school, apply, time-consuming not hard. Hard, was waiting to hear if accepted. Started countdown to training at about 180 days, now just 41 left (although if this post doesn't go live, it will certainly be 40 days left by the time I finish the 3rd draft!)

Are you still with me? 

       So, some time between the 20th and 30th of September, I'll receive a call from Guiding Eyes for the Blind. My instructor will introduce him/herself and detail what I need to bring and what I need to do in preparation for coming home with a guide dog. The admissions director will arrange my flights and give me that info.

       I will be in Boston celebrating the Jewish High Holidays with my family until Oct. 6th. Twenty days later, I'll be in Yorktown Heights, New York for three weeks of training, 7 days a week, 8 hours a day. These folks are serious! Having never had a dog, I hope 3 weeks is enough! Just kidding. Sort of. Not really. 
I've got three-ish pages of questions I need answers (not on the first day), and probably  a bunch more before I go.

       I hope you'll come along on this 'magical mystery tour' of mine. If I can figure out this #@!^%# page, I'll add a place to subscribe to posts and to sign on to be a follower. And of course, post doggie pictures.

       Posts may be sporatic prior to leaving for school, however they will be daily- if they don't wear me slap out- once I'm there. Please feel free to add your comments and questions.

       In the meantime, my mantra is: trust the dog. Trust the dog. Trust the dog.