Guiding Eyes Day 7 Nov. 1st
Well I have discovered there IS something worse than than going outside at 6:00 AM. That would be going outside in the drizzley, cold, windy morning at 6 AM! It's a good thing I've become so attached to her or Miss Pipsqueak might have less than the 20 mins. we are required to give.
Woke up at 4:30 AM and couldn't fall back asleep. Add the gloomy chill and I was NOT looking forward to this morning's walk. Thank goodness, it was just a half day in White Plains. Our training scedule usually has me as second in the walk order. Today I was 4th/last, I went to the second floor lounge, found an empty couch and shnoozed for about 40 mins. Awesome nap! I'm not sure I could have paid attention without it.
Other than the rain, wind, and cold it was a stellar walk. I handled turns, curbs, ans distractions almost like a pro, or at least an average guide handler. [ Hey, I'm now a Handler dog handler!] Then we came to a curb with a huge puddle that I didn't see. But Miss Pippi caught it and refused to cross. She had no option to go to either side as a street light pole was on the left and a pedestrian + umbrella was on the right. The crossing was green, I said the command Forward and she refused. I gave her a leash cue, didn't budge. Asked my instructor what was up and she said, "Miss Prissypants doesn't want to get wet and she can't find an option to go around!" She gave a harness correction and a firm Forward and that little monkey skimmed the edge of the puddle. Her job was to get me safely across the street. The rules don't say she has to keep ME out of the puddles! This little girl has a rebelous side...we are so well matched.
Back at school in the afternoon, some of us had a lesson in organized play (sounds like what we had to call recess when I taught). We were in the large, auditorium sized hall, doors closed, open floor space, and a box of toys- balls, rings, stuffed cloth shapes. I tossed a ball, Pippy ran after it, got it and proceeded to run laps around the room as if in a relay and she needed to start out strong! By the end of our 15 mins, she was panting. Twice duriong play I had to quickly leash her and zip her outside because she looked ready to pee. When we returned to the room for a rest, she plopped down on the floor and zoned out! I guess mit is possible to wear out a puppydog. She cracks me up when she falls into a deep sleep. She snores! Not too loud, just enough to be ever so adorable. As I write this at the school's computer, Pipsqueak is curled into a ball next to my shoes (which are off my feet) with her head by the wheels of the chair...snoring away!
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