Guiding Eyes Day 8.5 Nov. 2nd
Since I retired from teaching, I've noticed I don't multitask as well as I once could. I think that has changed. Each time I go upstairs to use the computer, Pip comes with me. She tries to get my attention away from the computer by leaning her chin on my thigh and looking up from under the computer table at me. A little scratch won't do. Next, she puts a paw up on me and gives me those puppy dog eyes. A chin rub isn't enough. She wants the ultimate, a belly rub! She sprawls out on her back, all four legs in the air with her white fur streak running down her belly and waits. No rub? I get a paw grabbing at my hand. Since I need both hands for typing, I've discovered I can take off my shoes and rub her belly with my feet. That's fine with Miss Pip.
Sunday is a down day for everyone, except a nurse and an instructor, and the kitchen staff. And of course we must still Park-Feed-Water-Park at 6 AM, Water-Park at 10:30, Park before and after playtime, Feed-Water-Park at 4:00, Water-Park at 7:30 PM, and final Park at 9. BUT, in between today, was all leisure time. We walked around outside a little. Miss Pippi likes to crunchthrough piles of leaves by curbs, sniff them up, and if I'm not watching munch a leaf or two. After lunch, I needed a nap. I hooked her to the tie-down cord which gives 3 feet to move and laid down. I was just about gone when I heard CLINK. Pippi was rattling her tie-down hook. Almost out again and CLINK. After the third time, I said sternly, "Shhhh! Quiet down." Not another peep and I had a glorious 90 minute nap..
After dinner, I decided to watch some TV If I'm on the bed, she tries to jump up to be with me and that's a no-no dogs on furniture. So I sit cross-legged on the floor. She immediately plops her 50 lbs (I'm guessing, won't know weight until next Friday) on my lap, well the space where a lap would be if my legs were out straight. So there's a doggie butt on one thigh and a doggie head on the other, and dead weight in-between. I didn't think she was so heavy until I noticed my feet starting to tingle. If I put my legs out straigh, I get either a butt or a head. Every time Pippi shnoozes out, she begins with a heavy sigh (and sometimes a fart! And let me tell you, they are pretty darn stinky. She's a 'stealth' farter- not a sound but the aftermath does you in.
We also seem to have a night time ritual; into the crate and she sticks her nose through the bars, I rub her nose and she licks my finger. Then she puts her paw through the bars for me to hold. It's very sweet, but somehow I think she's actually saying," Please, oh please mom, don't leave me in here. I have to be right next to you." Or maybe it's, "Not again! How long do you think I can take this?"
Last week, if you told me I'd be holding hands,or paws with a dog, and kissing her head with regularity, I would have said,"yeah, when h*ll freezes over." All I can say is you better get out your winter coat, folks!
P.S. As I finish this, Pip is on the floor, head across my sneakers, snoring away.
*Heavy sigh* I'm hooked.
Somehow I suspect that No Dogs on the Bed (or on the rest of the furniture) rule doesn't apply in Georgia ;-)
ReplyDeleteSo happy you have found a doggie match made in heaven! Now I hope she is also a good helper.
ReplyDeleteI'm soo glad that you two are bonding. I love my dogs. They are like furry children.