Let's see if these photos come through!

Gail and Pippi do Manhattan
Grumble, grumble, grumble... Tried to upload 4 pictures and only one showed up :-( The school's computer is sl-o-o-o-o-w and I'm working between a phone, email, flash drive and this computer. After I get back to my own stuff, I'll add in the pictures.
Morning outing was to the grocery store to learn how to learn how to manage a cart and a dog together without needing 'cleanup on aisle 7....and 8' every 20 minutes. I sort of felt like one of those moms with a child 'driving' the car attached to the front and a two year old asking for every cookie, candy, or chip bag they pass. You need to redirect the two year old's attention, keep the cart moving, and oh yeah, shop. I'm thinking a sighted adult along for the ride could come in mighty handy.
Okay, our last walk as a group! Went to FDR State Park. There was a 3mile and a 2 mile loop with no sidewalks. And the temperature was a brisk 41 degrees with a mild wind. I opted for the 2 mile, just in case the longer one crippled me. I didn't want to hobble in to, you know. I must admit that cute little 55 lb. bundle of energy and drive kept my butt walking, especially on the inclines! Except for the temperature, it was good practice for for my upcoming cardiology appointment (and the stress test I should have taken last year but somehow forgot.)
Tonight after dinner, we had an interesting last class. We were taught how to do doggie massage! Picture dim lighting, yoga-esque background music, 8 dogs sprawled out on the floor and 8 partially or totally blind people learning dog anatomy, like location of bones, muscles, and tendons. As the dogs relaxed, there was sporatic groans, heavy sighs, and of course, the unavoidable flatulence. From the dogs, not the people! We were told that massage stimulates their intestinal system and afterwards, they all poop. Took the zenned dogs out and bing, bing, bing we were holding stinky poop bags (some like Pippi's, were more 'pungent' than others. The stealth farter/pooper could take on a toxic waste spill and tie for most hazardous.
Unrelated facts I learned today...
Miss Pippi was the youngest in a litter of five.
Her mother's name was Dixie (perfect for a dog moving to Georgia) and her father was named Carlton. (Apparently, he was quite a stud- a couple other dogs in our class are his offspring.)
Carlton had the same white blaze as Pippi, from neck to stern.
Now for the related fact. Pippi's puppy raisers will be attending graduation! Yay!
Congratulations my dear oldest friend. I just knew you could do it. I will be watching you and the Pip. 58744
ReplyDeleteJust watched the video - you should be so proud of yourself and Pippi! I know we are. I don't know if I would be able to complete the program.
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing journey! Congratulations to you and Pippi. Makes me want to teach my dogs a thing or two.