Friday, October 31, 2014

Guiding Eyes    Day 6 Friday 31st

Halloween, shmalloween, we still get up at 6 AM for you-know-what.

I'm taking my shower at night, and even so, I still smell like dog in the morning, just dog with bed head.

Today, our assistant instructor in training, Mike- who spikes his hair so we nicknamed him 'spikey Mike'- was allowed to remove his blindfold at lunch. He has been blindfolded since we began on Sunday, so he never saw any of us, just knew our voices/names. We decided we wanted him to guess which name went with which person. He got the first four correct. The next two started talking so he knew them. He gave up and we matched the rest for him. Good for a giggle or two.

Today was only a half day at the training center. Our walk went really well, flying solo again with no extra leash. Curbs stepped into carefully. Doggie didn't mess up the intersection today. It was going so well... until Doggie decided to stop and smell the roses,actually a bush of leaves. Doggie stopped, I didn't. Whose getting correction yanks now! Mom. Doggie got a leash correction and a stern, low NO!
When it was Forward and onward to finish the walk.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I mean the school there's mail call. Woo Hoo! I have the best friends and family around! I have received 8 pieces of mail in 2 days, Hugs to all of you (and you know who you are!)

This afternoon, we had individual instructor time working on Targeting objects, like my room door- which looks like the other 9 doors on the hallway. First we stand at the door make a fist, place it below the door handle, say Touch and Doggie nose bumps it. That's followed by a clicker click, YES! and food. Right at the handle, then one step back, then 2 steps away from the door, each with the command, click, and acknowledge with food. We moved about 6 feet away, picked up the harnes and Doggie was ready to sprint! Doggie was like a car with a revved engine and the parking brake on. I gave the command Forward and Left to door and we peeled out down to the door. Apparently mu Doggie is highly motivated by food and Targeting which is like a game. Me thinks this Doggie art ye proverbial speed demon!

Drumroll...... we were given permission to identify our pups on social media!!!!! Thank goodness because it is getting tougher to not say "she" instead of Doggie. It is my great pleasure to introduce the newest member in the Handler family, Miss Pippi (as in Pippi Longstocking. Is that not the best name for a teacher and children's book writer??? I see Divine intervention here. Or maybe it was a fluke.

   I tried to insert a picture of Pip. I'm not sure it worked but I don't think it worked. I  will do some finnagling between phone, documents, and the thumbdrive to make magic tomorrow. If there's a big empty space, that's why. If it's there, I think it might be the rest of that Divine intervention. Or maybe I just got lucky.


  1. I just caught up on all your posts. Wow! Sounds like hard, frustrating, stimulating, fun. Hang in there - especially in the early morning. Thinking of Pippi and you. What a team

  2. Love hearing about this. What an adventure!

  3. Enjoy following your journals. Sounds like you're having great fun with your new puppy.

  4. We're spoiled. It's morning, Nov. 2 and no new post for 2 days. You two go on vacation or something? Hope everything is getting easier and that the 2 of you didn't skip out on the milk truck. Have a great day.2222

  5. Gail, Miss Pippa will have you trained in no time!

  6. Added a profile picture, just testing.
    You should be up and pooping by now, yes?
